Adventure Academy is a very robust program that runs highly advanced software and therefore requires an app to use. Library patrons will not be able to access it via a web browser. Rest assured, downloading the Adventure Academy app is a quick and easy process, and it offers several benefits to a browser experience, including:
- A completely safe and secure environment for children, as there are no other browser links present that might lead children away from the program to other websites
- A convenient link right on your desktop that will open Adventure Academy with just one click
- Faster loading speeds throughout the product, as many assets are already pre-downloaded within the application
It’s important to note that once the app is downloaded onto a computer you can easily access it from that point forward with a quick click of a button. If your library is also offering Adventure Academy Home Access, patrons can also use these steps to easily download the app to use on their personal computer(s).
Downloading on a Mac
- Open your Safari web browser and go to the Adventure Academy website at Click Log In in the upper-right.
- Enter your email address and password, then click the Log In button.
- Click the large, blue and gold Download button.
- Once the download process starts, you should see a progress icon on the right side of your browser’s toolbar.
- Once the download progress has completed, click the browser’s Downloads icon to see the AdventureAcademy.dmg file. Double click that file.
- Drag the Adventure Academy icon into the Applications folder to install the program.
- The Adventure Academy program should now be available from your Applications folder, where you can double-click to open and run the program.
- The first time you try to open the Adventure Academy download, you will need to confirm that you want to open it.
- Once the Adventure Academy program is open, you should see the program icon in your Mac’s dock. You can click and hold on the icon to open a menu of Options. Choose Keep in Dock to make it easier for you to launch the program from the Dock.
Downloading on a PC (Chrome)
- Open your Chrome web browser and go to the Adventure Academy website at Click Log In in the upper-right (or Sign Up if you are not yet a subscriber).
- Enter your email address and password, then click the Log In button.
- Click the large, blue and gold Download button.
- Click the download icon on the right side of your browser’s toolbar.
- Once the AdventureAcademy file is shown as Done, double-click on the file name or click the Open icon (square with arrow).
- When the Adventure Academy Setup Wizard opens, click the Next button.
- Confirm a Destination Folder for the program. Check the checkboxes if you want a shortcut to Adventure Academy on your PC’s desktop and/or in your Start menu. Click the Next button once you have made those choices.
- Click the Install button to begin the installation process.
- If you are prompted to confirm that you want to install the program, click the Yes button.
- You should see the Adventure Academy Setup progress window, which displays the status of your download.
- Once the download and setup process is complete, click the Finish button. If you have the Launch the game checkbox checked, Adventure Academy will open.
- If you had both checkboxes checked (see step 7 above), you can open Adventure Academy any time you want to use the program from your Start menu (shown below) or by double-clicking on the Adventure Academy shortcut on your desktop.
- The first time you log in, you will need to enter the email address and password you used to sign up; Adventure Academy will save your login information for future use.
Downloading on a PC (Firefox)
- Open your Firefox web browser and go to the Adventure Academy website at Click Log In in the upper-right (or Sign Up if you are not yet a subscriber).
- Enter your email address and password, then click the Log In button.
- Click the large, blue and gold Download button.
- You should see the download progress icon displaying the status of your download.
- Once the AdventureAcademy file is shown as Completed, double-click on the file name or click the Open icon (square with arrow).
- When the Adventure Academy Setup Wizard opens, click the Next button.
- Confirm a Destination Folder for the program. Check the checkboxes if you want a shortcut to Adventure Academy on your PC’s desktop and/or in your Start menu. Click the Next button once you have made those choices.
- Click the Install button to begin the installation process
- If you are prompted to confirm that you want to install the program, click the Yes button.
- You should see the Adventure Academy Setup progress window, which displays the status of your download.
- Once the download and setup process is complete, click the Finish button. If you have the Launch the game checkbox checked, Adventure Academy will open.
- If you had both checkboxes checked (see step 7 above), you can open Adventure Academy any time you want to use the program from your Start menu (shown below) or by double-clicking on the Adventure Academy shortcut on your desktop.
- The first time you log in, you will need to enter the email address and password you used to sign up; Adventure Academy will save your login information for future use.