If you would like to use EZproxy to remotely authenticate your library patrons who are logging in to Adventure Academy, please send us the required information in the first two sections and then have your IT folks complete the two steps at the bottom.
Required General Information
You will need to email us the following basic contact information for your library so we can get you started:
- Name of your Library or Library System
- Name of your Library’s point of contact for us
- Email address for your point of contact
- Phone number for your point of contact
Required IT Information
You will need to email us the following so we can complete the technical setup on our end:
IP address to your EZproxy server: We need your server IP so we can whitelist it.
Your EZproxy URL: We will use that and append the following:
- Test library card/PIN: We need to test and confirm that everything is working properly.
Steps for Your IT Folks to Complete
- Load the following EZproxy stanza for Adventure Academy onto your EZproxy server:
AddUserHeader X-libraryCardNumber
Option MetaEZproxyRewriting
Title AdventureAcademy
HJ https://www.adventureacademy.com
HJ adventureacademy.com
DJ adventureacademy.com
Option NoMetaEZproxyRewriting
- Add the following information to your config file, just above the Adventure Academy stanza:
## Exclude All External IP Addresses
ExcludeIP xxx [this can be an IP address or an IP range in place of this bracketed information]
ExcludeIP xxx [use one line for each IP address or IP range]
ExcludeIP xxx [example: “Exclude IP 123.456.789.333”]
ExcludeIP xxx [example: “Exclude IP 123.456.789.333 - 123.456.789.444”]